If you need any help we recommend browsing the list below of the most frequently asked questions. If that is not helpful to resolve your query you can also browse the detailed list of FAQs using the section navigation or the search box. Alternatively you can contact us with your query using the onsite form, email  or phone. Details on how to contact us via any of these channels are available below under the Contact Us section.


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  • About EXOTYQ
Pay securely using a debit card, credit card or net banking. We accept all major credit cards - VISA, MasterCard and American Express. Cash on Delivery is also available for many products and shipping locations.
Free shipping on all orders worth INR 1000 and above. Delivering your orders to safely and on time is of utmost importance to us. We only use highly reputed national couriers.
If you are not happy with your purchase, you can return it within 3 calendar days of receiving the delivery. We have a simple hassle free process for returns. Some products are not eligible for a return (due to special nature of such products) and this will be clearly indicated on the product page.
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Thanks for showing interest with us. We value Your association with Exotyq and our representative from the merchant delight department will contact You in 24 hrs.

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We currently do not ship internationally but very much plan to do so in future.

Till then you can see prices in US$,save products to your wish list,curate and share collections of products you like and do many other exciting actions...come explore and discover the marketplace of joy.

The US$ prices shown are only indicative product prices. The final price of an order could include additional charges like international shipping and other fees. When we start international shipping all the additional charges will be clearly explained and visible during the checkout process.

Contact us for any assistance or to share your feedback which is invaluable for us.

We are making some important changes to www.Exotyq.com.

Whilst this activity is underway you can continue to enjoy a seamless browsing experience throughout the website but will not be able to make a purchase.

Dear Guest,
Thank you for visiting www.Exotyq.com. The site is currently on a live test. The shopping feature is not activated as yet but you can browse all content. Shopping will be enabled in next few days.

Team Exotyq